Learn how to create loose portraits painted in acrylic. In this fascinating workshop you will learn how to structure the proportions and features of the face through simple geometry, before going on to build the portrait up through loose transparent layers of acrylic. You will be introduced to ways of mixing colours and to the importance of choosing values, which will create forms and shapes to give your painting a dynamic look.
Tutor: Paul Talbot-Greaves
Working from a photograph of your own, Paul will give demonstrations and individual help throughout the day. As the day progresses you will see the work of your fellow participants develop, and have time to discuss ideas and try different techniques. Suitable for all abilities.
What to bring
Spare items will be available to borrow on the day if you do not have or have forgotten any of these.
Refreshments are provided (tea, coffee, biscuits) and with everyone bringing a packed lunch. Parking is on site.
This is a non-residential workshop.
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