The Derbyshire Makers, Peak Village Shopping Centre, Rowsley, Matlock DE4 2JE
Step through the ornamental garden gates and immerse yourself in the sanctuary of a Victorian kitchen garden, using the fun and inventive medium of pen and wash. Using a variety of lines, marks and textures, we will select a corner of a garden and add motifs such as flowers, wrought iron trellises and garden implements to improve our compositions, before going on to decorate and enhance with a wash of subtle colours. Suitable for all abilities.
Your time in the workshop will be spent learning to invent and add marks, lines and textures to add interest to your drawings, followed by the addition of washes of colour to your own very personalised composition. We will look at working on a tinted ground, using white gel pens, ink and gouache to add highlights that would otherwise be lost on white watercolour paper. We will also try out some fun techniques including paint blowing, dribbling and splashing to add fun and a spontaneous flair to our work.
If you are at all hesitant with your drawing skills, this workshop will offer methods to give you advantages to will help loosen up your style and improve the way you work, with optional templates which you can choose to copy, trace or fill in. Intially with a focus on mark making, we will look at ways to flatten perspective rather than struggling with any tricky angles. With a panoply of source images to work from, we can add features such as garden tools or plants to add interest and help our composition along.
Tutor - Hazel Money
"My style isn't strict - and there are no rules! I just love scribbling and having fun with the subject."
Hazel is an inspiring and helpful tutor who loves to use pen and wash while out drawing on location, and is passionate about passing on the lessons she learns while out and about. She is keen to help point you in the right direction so that next time you are out and about with your sketchbook you will be able to use all the same techniques. If you have enjoyed attending one of Hazel's pen and wash workshops before, you will find your day will enhance skills you learned before, as well as taking on a new direction, as there will be new subjects, new templates, and more new ideas to have a go at.
Friday the 11th July 2025 from 10 am – 3.30 pm. Refreshments are provided and with everyone bringing a packed lunch, or popping over to the cafe opposite.
Free parking in large car park. This is a non-residential workshop.
Most of the materials will be provided in the workshop, however a very short list of items to bring will be forwarded before the workshop.
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